Trug making appreciation courses.

We are often asked if we provide courses about Trug Making. We do, but with the strict proviso that students understand that, by attending a two day course, they will not be qualified Trug Makers! It takes at least one year of full time work in our workshops for an apprentice to be proficient enough to make all eight sizes of the Garden Trug, and a further year to become proficient in making the Flower, Fireside Log, Square, Bowl, Cucumber, Oblong and Walking Stick Trugs. Then, and only then, is the apprentice elevated to the status of Craftsman Trug Maker. It takes at least six years more to become a Master Trug Maker.  Please note that, due to staffing issues, we are not running any courses this year.  We a[pologise for the inconveninece this may cause.

alt Craftsman Trug Maker Mike Church demonstrating shaving Chestnut handles and rims

Each spring we run a course at the Weald and Downland Museum in Singleton, West Sussex, England (near Chichester). This event is over two days at a weekend and, during the course, students will produce a Traditional Trug using Sweet Chestnut and Cricket Bat Willow Woods. The tutors will show cleaving, shaving, steaming, bending and assembly of the Trug and students should be able to take home a respectable Trug at the end of the two days. All materials are included in the course fees and all equipment is provided during the course. A second course will be run in the autumn each year.

Students will also be given a talk, with slides, about the history of the Trug and where it figures today in our modern society.

Please note that, due to staffing issues, we are not running any courses this year.  We a[pologise for the inconveninece this may cause.

For full details please look on the Museum website

alt Mike supervising students shaving

 Weald & Downland Museum Course 1 – Not planned this year

Mantel Farm, Catsfield, Nr. Battle, East Sussex – Not planned this year

Mantel Farm, Catsfield, Nr. Battle, East Sussex – Not planned this year

Weald & Downland Museum Course 2 – Not planned this year

For details of the Weald & Downland Museum courses, please contact: Adult Learning, Weald & Downland Open Air Museum, Singleton, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0EU, England. Tel: 01243-811464 From Europe: 00-44-1243-811464 or E-mail to [email protected]

For details of the Mantel Farm course please contact: Kerry Weller 01424-830357 or E-mail: [email protected]    You can also book online on their website.

We run courses at Magham Down as demand dictates, with a minimum of six students and a maximum of eight. For details of our own courses run at Magham Down, Herstmonceux, please telephone us on 01323-384063 or E-mail us at [email protected]


alt Master Trug Maker Chris Tuppen demonstrating assembly

Magham Down Workshop Courses 2025. Please note that, due to staffing issues, we are not running any courses this year.  We a[pologise for the inconveninece this may cause.


alt Chris supervising students assembling

Thomas Smith’s Trugs are running courses at their own workshops in Herstmonceux.

Course Booking Form

We can also run two days courses at suitable venues for companies or groups and have done this in the past for Southern Water for their staff. Please contact us direct if you are interested.

alt Students with the Trugs they made
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